KW Montessori FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
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KW Montessori FAQ
How does Montessori compare to the regular school system?
There are many differences that distinguish a Montessori school from a traditional school. The main difference is that each student is on an individual path to learning as they discover. The teachers observe the students as they move through the curriculum at their own pace. There are three different age ranges in a Montessori classroom. Students are working from all different areas of the classroom at the same time. The Montessori Guide is literally directing each student in their learning rather than teaching the class as a whole. The students typically stay with the same classmates and teachers for three years.
How do students transition into the regular system after grade 6?
Students rarely have problems transitioning into the regular system. Montessori education and philosophy has taught them to be independent, confident, self-sufficient, problem solvers and critical thinkers. The students are capable of interacting with different age groups, have well developed social graces and have an appreciation of an individual’s needs, abilities and personalities.
What is the student/teacher ratio?
Low student/teacher ratio of either 1:8 or 1:13 at the Casa level and 1:15 at the elementary level.
Do you offer field trips?
At the Casa level the students go on a field trip once a term. At the elementary level they go on one approximately every 2 months.
Are there specialty teachers like French, Music/Art?
The elementary students have music once a week by a music specialist. Elementary Art is taught by the Montessori Guide once a week. French is offered by a French specialist 3 times a week for Casa and 4 times a week for elementary.
Do you have a before and aftercare program?
Yes, our before care program is from 8:00-8:45 a.m. and our aftercare program is from 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Do you offer after school clubs?
Yes, we offer after school clubs such as art, yoga, dance, baking, pottery, photography, Mad Science, Stem, etc.
What are the staff’s qualifications?
The Montessori Guides are AMI or MACTE trained and most have a University Degree as well. Casa assistant teachers are Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECE).

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